
This Customized Contract is made and entered into on {{ $customizedcontract->start_date }}, by and between:

{{ $customizedcontract->investor->user->name }}, referred to as the "Investor", and

{{ $customizedcontract->startup->startup_name }}, a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country/Region], having its principal place of business at [Startup Address], referred to as the "Startup".

Whereas, the Investor desires to invest in the Startup under the following terms and conditions:

This Customized Contract is executed by the Investor and Startup through their authorized representatives.


Date: {{ $customizedcontract->start_date }}


{{ $customizedcontract->investor->user->name }}



{{ $customizedcontract->startup->startup_name }}


This concludes the terms of the customized contract.


No contracts available.
